16 June, 2007


Saturdays i weed my garden.Mechanically i set about the work till i reached this small plant.music in my ears ,cool breeze around ,pulling out the unwanted plants was not a very tedious task.Though i never enjoyed, it was really called for.
when i came to this plant i stopped short.i had seen this plant as a sapling ;i let it grow because i thought it must be a zinea but later it proved to be a wild weed;now almost fully grown the plant stood waving in the breeze sporting tiny violet flowers,and i call it a weed and was about to pull it away from the soil and dump it in garbage.
I reflected am i a plant lover ?a true plant lover?if i were one i should love this plant too.Its a shame i loved plants that were beautiful,and claimed myself to be one.Though a part of gardening calls for weeding and i can imagine how my garden would overflow with unwanted plants if i do not pull them out,i think i must stop calling myself a lover of plants.well i never plucked that plant and it is still there smiling .
I remember at this juncture that mrs maneka gandhi had once said that she was against removing the cobwebs -the abode of spiders .A true blue cross person would agree.but is it practical??i have umpty number of views to support but am not a true herbophile.The reality stings but i have to accept it and i do with all humility.


Unknown said...

The beautiful world that God has created is a great miracle by itself to see. The wonderful colour of the rainbow, the beautiful sight of a glorious sunset. The relentless waves of the majestic ocean beating upon the shores. The sweet aroma and eye catching Rose in its full grandeur. These are sights we have seen and moved on every day in our lives. The first sight of the new born baby. The tear in our mothers' eyes on seeing us flourish in our lives. Sights that bring happiness and sorrows in our life.. yes sorrow.. weeds are born to be removed, God has created them for that purpose only though they will give us nice flowers. don't feel sorry for removing the wild plants or weeds.
you will still remain a plant lover.. dont worry...


மே. இசக்கிமுத்து said...

Nice Article. On Sat & Sundays i also take care of our small garden in from of our quarters and get ride of the weeds....

மே. இசக்கிமுத்து said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. Due to heavy work in my office nowadays unable to post more but soon i will post more...

வவ்வால் said...

you are thinking too much! lol!

quest4gold said...

hi Paddy
iliked the site i found the content very interesting. i think you have real talent. of the content i really enjoyed the oct 3 post. that was simply great