26 February, 2007

so here am i

well .now all our thoughts could be made public .its been my dream to blog and pronto here i am .
Always love to read and share what i read .Am just reading this novel by salma 'erandam jamangalin kathai' .To know about a community is very fine ,and it shows our rich culture.been dreaming, towrite about deekshidars of chidambaram .only a few families ;and the customs and travails they face and how commercial everything has become.
If bloging is just musings of a roaming mind nothing would be coherent .i think i must learn to categorise and then publish .well lemme stop with this and just pen a few verses .god save all.


Durai V K said...


I like this Blog. Felt like open a pocket of treasure. Now I realised that the wealth is sea deep.


Durai v k

Aldrin John said...


second one (aging) is reality...really nice ....i m impressed!!!Do write more & more.. all the best!! (ME2)


பத்மா said...

thanx eldrin .plz keep visiting

Unknown said...

Its really great .. ME Mutlifaceted talent.. Voww. so impressive.. Thodarungal ungal passion to dream and write all that you feel... all the best ME :)

Roy Cherian Cherukarayil said...

Good anyway that you have started off.

Please tell me one thing..even I keep thinking about it.....suppose you write a poem or a story and then publish it here in your blog.......can you also send the same to a magazine company for publishing? I think they look for pure unpublished stuff anytime...

Sriram said...

I am amazed at your choice of words. The choice of theme is good. I feel you should do a collection and publish the same. Hats off to you for your talent

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site padmareaches.blogspot.com
Is this possible?